Saturday, April 9, 2011


I feel like my ability to feel compassion for others has grown over the past few months. It is a strange and wonderful thing. I am naturally a selfish person. I am not sure if I am this way because I am a Leo or if because I am the eldest daughter and granddaughter but either way, that is who I am or who I was. I think twice about everything I do and say now and mostly how I behave and act towards others whether I know them or whether they are strangers that crossed my path. I know my daughter isn't here to physically witness it but I would like to think that what she can see of me now, that it is good and that she is proud. I want to be a good person. I want to be a better human being for her. I think when your spirit, body, mind and heart are completely ripped to shreds, trampled on and shattered it is much easier to feel other people's pain and to sort of understand what they are going through no matter how big or small their burdens are.

I drove through Starbucks today after my gym workout to get my usual Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte. If you haven't had one, it is like a hug in a drink. I love it. It makes me smile and I can appreciate the little tiny things that make me smile like that. I purchased my little latte but I also purchased the latte that the lady behind me had ordered. The Starbucks employee at the drive thru window asked me if I knew the woman and I just responded nope that I just wanted to buy her order in hopes that one day she would pass it along. I am hoping that random acts of kindness really do work and that it is contagious. I hope that if she finds life too burdensome right now that I at least made her smile and if her life is just fine and dandy I still hope I made her smile. For Aven....

You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late. 

 ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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